วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551




These live recordings find the seminarian-turned-new-folkie in his element: playing before an attentive, enthusiastic audience in his native New Jersey and New York, spinning mythic stories of fateful battlefields, haunted truckers, and visionary saints and lovers alike. Fronting an easygoing band of expert pickers, Richard Shindell turns in surprisingly solid covers of Little Feat and Bruce Springsteen tunes. Cry, Cry, Cry partner Lucy Kaplansky wraps Shindells nasal, sinewy delivery in subtle harmonies, pushing the best of these songs, including "Next Best Western" and his finest, most poignant take on relationships, "Are You Happy Now," past previously recorded versions. As an introduction to Shindells spiritual lyricism and as a live document for longtime fans, Courier is a cache of reflective, gently glowing gems. --Roy Kasten
Rate Points :4.5
Binding :Audio CD
Label :Signature Sounds
Manufacturer :Signature Sounds
ProductGroup :Music
Studio :Signature Sounds
Publisher :Signature Sounds
UPC :701237127026
EAN :0701237127026
Price :$16.98USD
Lowest Price :$9.13USD
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :2
Few artists can successfully translate the strength and intimacy of a live performance onto a CD, but Richard Shindell is just the sort of rare singer/songwriter who does just that. His CD, titled "COURIER" was recorded live in New York and New Jersey, and the excitement of those performances is beautifully captured on this album. The CD opens with the title track "COURIER"-a strong foksy work told in the typical Shindell style of first person narrative. With such an impressive work as the number one track, some might worry that the rest of the CD may pale in comparison.On the contrary, it continues to get better and better with each passing song. Not only is Shindells voice rich and expressive, but his writing is so insightful that one is reminded of other greats like Joni Mitchell and Tracy Chapman. His themes are serious-lost love (as told in "Memory of You" and "Nora",), War (as exhibited in the magnificent "Reunion Hill") and Prejudice ( in the song "Fishing"). Yet, Shindells keen sense of humor helps to keep the work from being too mired down in the maudlin. For instance, in his crowd-pleasing "Are You Happy Now", he speaks about his lover who abandoned him on, of all days, Halloween. He writes "What was I supposed to do/But to sit there in the dark/ I was amazed to think that you/ took the candy with you too". By laughing through his pain, Shindells angst becomes more powerful without being overpowering. Richard Shindell is an engaging performer with a rock-solid voice that is nothing short of mesmerizing, yet his greater talent is his writing. He weaves such intricate tales in a few perfectly chosen words...a true poet, as witnessed in such Shindell classics as "The Next Best Western" and "A Summer Wind, A Cotton Dress", that it is little wonder that Richard Shindells work has become a staple on others recordings, most notably Joan Baez, whose covers of "Reunion Hill" and "Fishing" truly bring out the genius of the work. On "COURIER", Richard Shindell is blessed with some fine back up musicians and singers, including John Putnam on guitar, Denny McDermott on drums, Lincoln Schleifer on bass, and the ethereal Lucy Kaplansky lending her lilting country folk voice as a perfect foil to Shindells powerful tones. There are no missteps on this recording...only brilliant writing in the true folk tradition, presented in a straight-on manner that is certain to please.

Shindells best work to date
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :7
I loved Richard Shindell in the "Cry Cry Cry" project with Lucy Kaplansky and Dar Williams, and the cover of his "Reunion Hill" as done by Joan Baez is as magnificent and stirring as anything youll hear. But Ive found his voice slightly nasal for my tastes, and the recordings (even his solo performances) a bit dry compared with his always stellar songwriting.

Until this.

I listen to this album when I want to feel life deeply. Its a live album without chatter between songs, which really works for me, his voice and songwriting meeting in blissful marriage. The Civil War ballad "Arrowhead" thoughtfully explores the "glamour" of war vs. its reality the relationship song "Are You Happy Now?" is poignant AND fall-down funny "The Ballad of Mary Magdalen" has special longing from the male voice as compared with the Cry Cry Cry version. Nice to hear Lucy backing him him up on some of the tracks. And special notice to the spiritual, surrealistic revenge fantasy "Transit," which always gives me chills (in an uplifting way).

Tasteful covers of "Willin" and "4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)" round out this altogether spectacular offering.
Captures Richard Live!
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :2
Most songs are quite brilliant. "Courier," "Transit," "Reunion Hill," and "Ballad of Mary Magdalen," are the best. Even a couple of trucker songs in there done very well, like "Next Best Western." This CD gives one an excellent feel for what a live show is like.

If you get a chance, read his bio on the ... He has quite an interesting history.
He was going to be a priest, but apparently found songwriting more interesting and more "his calling." He is still a very spiritual man and it shows through in his intelligently crafted music.
Check this out "Laid Back" folks!
Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :3
This is a really clean, tight nit live performance by Mr. Shindell. A couple of the tracks sound somewhat familiar but its overall variety and tone is really nice. A real asset for a late night run down the interstate. Good stuff I must say!!!
Richard WHO?
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :7
Why are all the great artists of my time so obscure that when you mention them most people dont know who youre talking about? I guess we just have to look at who just got re-elected President to see the lack of judgment of the American public. The all DO know who Jessica Simpson is though.

This is a magnificent CD from beginning to end. Shindells songs are brilliant, and his vocals are passionate and moving. "The Next Best Western," "Reunion Hill" and "The Ballad of Mary Magdalen" are probably the most intensely PERFECT songs on this CD, but its difficult to say that anything on this Cd is a "stand-out." Every song is a "stand-out."
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