วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Lady For A Night

Lady for a Night

Rate Points :3.0
Binding :VHS Tape
Label :Republic Pictures
Manufacturer :Republic Pictures
ProductGroup :Video
Studio :Republic Pictures
Publisher :Republic Pictures
UPC :017153223309
EAN :9786300208605
Price :$9.98USD
Lowest Price :$25.00USD
Customer ReviewsAN OKAY FILM
Rating Point :3 Helpful Point :1
If you dont expect anything amazing, youll enjoy this film. Its well-intentioned and could have been more, but it just doesnt have that magical chemistry that makes for a great movie. The plot is a bit hokey and predictable, but it wasnt trying to be anything more than that in the first place. Not a must-see, but a nice southern romance full of intrigue type of movie to sit back and relax with.
Rating Point :3 Helpful Point :2
Joan is a riverboat queen who runs her casino with the aid of political boss Wayne. I saw this movie years ago in California and thought it was corny but cute. Certain scenes are rather ludicrous such as the raven in the window foretelling evil ahead and the malevolent presence of Blanche Yurka as Julia Alderson lingers in the memory for her campy playing. Yurka tries to poison Blondell when she tries marrying into the Alderson clan, but alas the potion is drank by a family member and guess who is charged? There are several musical numbers such as Blondell singing "Up in a Balloon" . A harmless way to while away an hour.
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